Carmen Cruz

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The Muppets Go Grunge

A new Muppets movie you say? Yup. Believe it!                                  

The new Muppets movie will not only feature a bunch of cameos by some big names (Jack Black, Ricky Gervais, Lady Gaga)  ~ those crazy puppets are also doing some weird covers. Expect to hear the Muppets singing their own version of Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', and Cee Lo Green's 'Forget You' (although I feel that covering the original version, 'Fuck You' would be so much more interesting...can you imagine?!?!).

 You can also expect to see Dave Grohl behind the Muppets drum kit. In the movie, he'll be temporarily filling in for the usual drummer Animal, while he's away at an anger management course.

 So who's responsible for creating another muppet movie? Believe it or not, it's all thanks to Jason Segel. He's the dude from the TV show 'How I Met Your Mother.' He both wrote the script and stars in the movie. I've got high hopes for this one I tell ya. High hopes...

The movie comes out early next year. 


